>[!quote] Douglas Adams - The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul (1988) >*“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”* ## Hi There This, he says as if it needs saying, is a website. It has no real function other than to be a place that I can transcribe the occasional thing from my brain that I don’t mind being seen by the world at large (or more realistically just various content indexing bots that haven’t gained enough sentience to think ‘booooring, skip!’). ## Who am I? No one important. I’m a random guy from the United Kingdom who is old enough to be a better person than he was and young enough to hopefully think that about the person I am now someday. I’m a Dad and above all else want to be good at that. I work in IT, have moonlit being a comic book creator, and have had working experience in retail management, procurement, and finance. Some of those I was good at, some not, some I liked, some not. I really enjoy IT, especially the human side, I also really enjoy comics, especially the human side. I like people what can I say. I run various games of D&D (and similar) for friends. I enjoy 3d printing and crafting in general (even when I suck at it). Sometimes I mix those hobbies together. I enjoy all sorts of media, especially hopeful sci-fi, a music selection too eclectic to explain, and watching the football team from the town I grew up in (even if I don’t really follow football at large). The only thing that I think will be consistent on this site is its inconsistency. - Just this guy you know